Saturday, June 21, 2008

Science VS Religion

I was coming out of the pathology lab after giving my blood samples when i came across this man worshipping a model of clay, with a baby by its side crying aloud .The child looked famished and was crying for food .The man in tattered clothes offered a banana to the clay model and chanted some hymns .Once he was done with his prayers i approached him and asked why he did not feed the child and apt came the reply, " Sir i am poor and i don’t have any money to feed the child." I was still wondering could he not have given that banana to that child instead of offering it to GOD.

Ever since then i have been wondering about the conflict between Religion and Science .It has been an age old debate with both the sides vehemently pushing their case .Now lets look at the Hindu Religious system and try to decipher if we can get some message out of it .Hinduism is one religion which has number of Gods and Goddesses all equally worshipped and respected .Also one GOD too can have many different avatars Lord Krishna being a case in point.

How does this fare in scientific light? Science says we have different forms of energy sun, wind ,mechanical ,chemical etc . Also energy can neither be created nor destroyed and the various forms can be transferred and transformed from one form to another. Is then not this energy similar to our Gods? They too can’t be created or destroyed and there are various forms of them too. Also is not the divine form manifestation of energy itself?

So science and religion are trying to point to the same thing but in different ways .One may call it energy someone else may call it GOD.


Reloaded007 said...

This seems to be the ultimate truth ....... which can defy all the superstitions n bring before us the real meaning of GOD

Anonymous said...

Interesting theory ...

Ankur said...


good to see u finally blogging !!!
The above example is such a true reflection of the reality. People flock to temples and the masjids and the likes in search of god who according to me resides in one's soul...
Looking forward to many more from u dear :-)