Saturday, May 8, 2010

Frendz 1...

"It is more shameful to distrust one's friends than to be deceived by them."
- Duc de la Rochefoucauld

True to the above quote I did find a few friends at Great Lakes whom I can say I trust with my eyes closed and a revolver in their hand!! This post is a tribute to all the great moments we shared together, the whims, the fancies and the agonies that we faced together and to all the great and cherish able moments that we will continue to be a part of our bond and friendship.
Here I would like to introduce this bunch:

1.The mouth management masterpiece: Well if someone has an innate ability to talk and convince people, be a diplomat and brand ambassador and sell stocks (without having any idea of what he is selling!!) then it has to be him. He is someone whom you can lean and ask for advice on your bad days, someone who has a sense of humor which can brighten up the darkest of days. I would just like to say thanks for all the great moments.

2.The waterman: Yes this is how I will always remember him though there are lot of other qualities and memories about him which are just not forgettable. A sound methodological mind powered by cryogenic confidence that’s his style. Someone who’s talks always end up in ‘That girl!!’ and I must admit that I enjoyed every bit of it. It was a pleasure to have found a friend like him who pardons you after you make him drink an extra milkshake after an emotional fit. Always true to his word, dude just stay as you are.

3.Dean’s List: Well for someone who is larger than life in all things that he performs, be it academics or cricket, this fellow is one of the most down to earth and humble person that I have come across. For someone who taught me about Pink Floyd, gave me his inputs and assignments when most needed and did have a heart to heart talk even after all the misunderstandings, any amount by of thanks will be less. Good luck dude in whatever you do and hope to have you my side always.

4.Chief Coke Officer: I would like to use this space to set right a few myths about this guy which we have regularly used to defame him!! Termed as a free rider and parasite for not doing any assignments is more of a myth and I agree that he has given his inputs and assignments when needed. I hope that makes you happy dude. For someone with whom I have had the most fights on issues ranging from accounting entries to food he is someone who takes these clashes very well and has almost never allowed it to affect our friendship. His title of Chief Coke Officer
leaves no room for speculation about his tastes and likings. ’Mahabs Chale’ the standard phrase in his standard style should go down in the history of great lakes as a golden quote. Dude hats off to you.

5.Visiting Student: Apart from calling him a Visiting a student one could have called him a Mr. PPT or a Mr. Excel. One of the most logical and analytical heads he is someone who has always helped me to lay down my options logically and then decide for myself. Whether one needs the latest assignment or one needs to make a ppt for a b plan, his is the door which had to be knocked ( it’s a different story that half the time it would be useless as no one would be there to answer) . This ‘pristine drop of water’ is going to a large organization but still I could bet my money that he will not get lost :)